Ask About Free Local Pickup & Delivery in Greater Baltimore & DC Area
1. Fill Out Rx Form
Request or print prescription form. Fill out the Rx form completely. Please include the following:
Basic Identifiers: doctor & patient name, current date, due date
Product Description: desired product, teeth #, shade
Special requests: material, articulation, fit, etc.

2. Prepare Your Case
For UPS shipping, package the case box securely using layer of foam or bubble wrap at bottom and top of box. For local pick up, bubble wrapping isn't as necessary, but please use smart judgment when packing the boxes. Secure impression, model, and bite separately. Use ziploc bags for proper infection control. Then, insert the completed Rx form and securely close the box.
3. Request FREE Pickup
We offer FREE same-day pickup & delivery service for clinics in Greater Baltimore and Washington DC area. Please contact us by 3 pm to request the same-day pickup.
Call: (240) 474-0303